Saturday, July 16, 2011


What is the name of that flower
budding in the dark, a secret growing
without the sun, hidden like it's not supposed to be
Its only light giving, vague as a single star
you pick out of a crowded field sky
Winking back every once in a while
You reach for it and smile in its rays
Pretending they're arms reaching back
to you, just you

What do you call that mistake
You know the one you make
over and over again and on purpose
Falling into familiar traps
The kind you find an abnormal security in
No food, no water, just a life
Coiling in the corner for warmth
The bars tread scars and mark who
You are, This is not all who you are

What is that phenomenon
The thing when a butterfly flaps
Its gossamer wings in one part
of the world only to touch off
a hurricane in yours, causing tremors
that shake your being, uprooting your shit
Landing only broken houses
And the only thing your left with
Is what you had when you started

Who is that, whatsitsface
the strange angel taking you
by the hand and leading you nowhere
Blue wings shaped around them like a heart
And you're forced to lie
and say you're just as imaginary
not hurt by its ambivalence
As it ascends to the place it holds
in a heaven you don’t belong

What’s that paper mache mask
you've got everybody fooled with
made with the discarded and glue, offended
when someone can see right through
Or maybe they can't and that's what offends
Can't see how the golden yellow brilliant
fades to a sad violet and even
painful purple, Beautiful in its lament
But gaudy in its art

What’s another word for a vessel
strong as glass, weak as an excuse
The truth, put on display, some ambient light
Accenting you’re not as smart as you thought
and the chance to learn keeps
slipping through the cracks
Dripping and soaking the earth
You once stood on, drained now
You stand proud, parched and empty

What do you call when you’re the only one
who believes in love anymore
The childish notion you forgot to grow out of
That flower unfolding in the dark
feeding in secret, but as real as its name
blooming for all those who care to see
If you ask the right question
If you don’t fear the right answer
Hold that thought and let me
look up its definition

1 comment:

  1. You have some really beautiful images here Miguel! I love "strange angel". Go go Poetry Power!
